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Hitting Balls!

My forth date!!!This is one of my dates from March. This date was clarifying to say the least. This has been a pretty rough week for me (thank god for the people in my life). I went on this date with my friend, Krissy (couldn’t have asked for a better date for this).

Krissy is a middle school teacher (Bless her heart…I would rather do any other job in the world). Middle school was hell for me I’m not looking forward to Killian going… kids can be mean. Krissy is someone who I have a lot in common with in ways that I could not even begin to explain (Krissy is my Wifey). She and I have been friends for a little over 3 years now and it hasn’t been a standard friendship by any means but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I haven’t gone to the driving range before and I don’t know why. Hitting balls was incredibly therapeutic! It only cost $12.00 for a jumbo basket of ball and $2.00 to rent two drivers. So a $14.00 date and I packed us a picnic before we went out… a great change from the standard date options (and affordable)!

Krissy has also never been to the driving range so we were flying blind as to what to do stance wise. About half way through are bucket of balls, we did the thing any good millennial would… we googled it! Google showed us a picture with how to stand and hold a golf club the proper way (not that it helped us at all but we tried). I also had this bright idea…you see we both went through so pretty crappy brake ups recently and hitting these balls is great for stress relief. Anyways, I had the brilliant idea to write the boys names on the balls so we could whack the shit out of them (because hitting them isn’t worth it) and man did it feel good!

During our picnic (by the creek…) Wifey and I had a lot to talk about of it is just too personal to write about on here. Krissy has been one of those people who just end up begin at the right place at the right time when I need someone to talk to…not that I don’t have other people I can call because I do. I have many wonderful amazing people in my life who I know I can call anytime that would do anything for me but Krissy somehow actually shows up without having any idea something is wrong… it’s happened many times throughout the last 3 years and I’m sure it will happen many more. Do you have a friend like that?

Krissy helped me figure out what to do about my son, Killian. He is 10 years old and with puberty coming up it is only matter of time till he wants more answers about his father. Killian’s Dad pasted away in December of 2005 when he was only 2 months old. I told him that his dad died in a car accident but that wasn’t true. I lied to my son and I hated it, but I felt I was protecting him. His father committed suicide nine days before his 20th birthday. I didn’t know how to talk to my 10 year old and explain I’ve lied to him, his whole life. Krissy being a teacher had some unfortunate experience with talking to children about suicide before so she gave me a few tips (thanks for all your help honey). It hasn’t been easy for Killian but we are taking things one day at a time and like Krissy told us just take life as it is.

**PSA- Everyone’s life is important. If you feel hopeless talk to a friend or family member. If you are suicidal or you think someone you know is, help is available and recovery is possible! Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). **

Now that I brought you down with the heavy stuff (sorry about that) I’m going to bring it back up & tell you about the question Krissy answered during our date! She choose- What is the strangest reoccurring dream you have ever had? What do you think it meant? (Allison thought this would be the last question picked, I loved that it got picked second… just shows to each their own!)

I wish my strangest dream was this one! John Lennon, Kurt Cobain and Martin Luther King Jr what do all of these men have in common? They are all having pizza with Krissy in her dreams. Jealous? I sure am. The first time she remembers having the dream it was like a Technicolor acid trip (nightmare!), so vivid that the sounds, colors, and smells seemed real. Wifey explained to me that she has this dream a lot but most of celebrities change… expect “Lennon, he comes to visit my dreams a lot and it’s always the dirty hippie version.” (Lol) When I asked her why… she believes it might be a way of helping her deal with life by getting advice from people she admires.

My strangest dream was back in high school… so 11 or 12 years ago OMG I feel old saying that. I had the weirdest reoccurring dream for about 3 months straight about all of my friends getting murdered in these crazy ridiculous ways. It was like Evil Dead meets Better off Dead (irony) set at a technical high school so the ways that the murders went down where outrageous. I was always trapped in a room or running in as someone had just died or was being killed never in time to stop them. We had cosmetology, welding, masonry, culinary, automotive, and many other classes at my high school. Every night for months someone in my dream kicked it in a weirder more crazy way whether it was cut up and poured in masonry cement and built into a project the next day or poked in the eye balls with those horrible hook things they use on your hair then covered in chemicals… they were some messed up dreams (thank god they stopped....after I died in the dream). What did it mean… I have no idea probably that I had watched too many horror movies. I actually stopped watching them until my dreams went back to normal (lol). What is the strangest dream or reoccurring dream you have ever had?

And I also forgot! Leaving golf this not was on my car! You never know who notices you! It is a pretty awesome thing sometimes & it takes a lot of courage to tell someone you are interested in them! Remember to be nice to the people who put themselves out there. Its not always easy to be brave (though this guy might be a little cocky... lol).

So what did we learn?

  1. Hitting balls is a fantastic for stress relief (and hilarious to watch your friends do)!

  2. Just because Google shows you how to do something, doesn’t mean you can do it!

  3. You have friends that come into (or go out of) your life for a reason.

  4. Everyone’s life is important… don’t take yours for granted. I know there is a lot of pressure but just remember to breathe and take life as it is. We got your back!

  5. Take a chance... the worst that can happen is you get told no (trust me I got a lot of rejection handing out googling eyes lol).

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